Terrific Toddlers Book Series
By: Carol Zeavin and Rhona Silverbush
This revolutionary and unique series is the first ever to handle the topics in carefully researched, developmentally appropriate ways for toddlers.
About the Authors
Carol Zeavin holds master's degrees in education and special education from Bank Street College, and worked with toddlers for nearly two decades in homes and classrooms. She was Head Teacher at both Rockefeller University's Child and Family Center and at the Barnard Toddler Development Center, and worked for Y.A.I. and Theracare. She is a professional violinist living in New York, NY.
Rhona Silverbush studied psychology and theater at Brandeis University and law at Boston College Law School. She currently coaches actors, writes, tutors, and consults for families of children and teens with learning differences and special needs.

Finally, the books that have toddlers saying “ah, they get me!” and their parents saying, “so THAT’s how it’s done!”
The Terrific Toddlers series, covering the day-to-day dramas most relevant to toddlers and the adults who care for them. This revolutionary and unique series is the first ever to handle the topics in carefully researched, developmentally appropriate ways for toddlers.
What Experts Are Saying

"As a school psychologist and provider of services to toddlers and preschoolers, finding an appropriate range of developmental books for this age dealing with issues such as separation from parents, a visit to the doctor and going to get a haircut is such a challenge until I saw the books by Rhona and Carol. The books are presented in such clear, simple and direct language – they effectively capture the emotional world of the early learner. The books serve as excellent teaching tools for social skill building, and as a means of reflecting and validating a youngster’s emotional experience during challenging times. These books are also particularly effective when working with children diagnosed with disabilities – the presentation of the material so brilliantly captures the essence of the story without overwhelming the reader with extraneous information. These books are highly recommended and are an invaluable therapeutic resource. Currently, in the market, no such books are available to address the young learner with the social-emotional emphasis that Rhona and Carol place in their writing. Many clinicians, educators, and the like will surely be pleased to see that such books are finally being published!"
—Dimitra Robokos, Ph.D.,
Faculty, Albert Einstein School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics (Child Development), and in private practice

"Toddlers love to see themselves in their books – and they do in Bye-Bye!, this captivating story about the ordinary experience of a parent leaving and a toddler not wanting her/him to go. The book is all about toddlers being unhappy when their mommies/daddies leave and being overjoyed when they return. This oft-repeated toddler “drama” validates typical upset toddler emotions and their reassuring resolution – mommy/daddy always comes back. Parents can share – and alleviate – the feelings arising from these trying times with their toddlers."
—Nancy Balaban, Ed.D.,
Bank Street College Graduate School of Education

"The story is so relational to toddlers. I loved how the story educates parents at the same time. The story provides parents a model of concrete language to use to and with their toddlers."
—Olympia Robinson, Assistant Director,
The Rockefeller University Child and Family Center, New York, NY

"Bye-Bye! is an excellent book for toddlers and very young children about an issue that many children face daily: their mommies or daddies go away at some point and then return later. When Carol read the book to a group of toddlers here at the Rockefeller University Child and Family Center they were mesmerized! They wanted to hear it again. That kind of response is the best indicator of whether a book is on target for its intended audience. I recommend this book and would very much like to see it published so we can use it in our rooms!"
—Marjorie Goldsmith, Ed.D, Director
The Rockefeller University Child and Family Center

"Carol has read Bye-Bye! to one of our 2s classes, and it sparked not only a very high-energy discussion between the kids but repeated pleas for more readings of the book. In our opinion, this book, and the rest of the books in the series about the daily issues confronted by toddlers and parents, is very much needed and will undoubtedly be very much in demand anywhere there are toddlers."
—Amee L. Therrien, Head Teacher, and Gina Olivier, Teaching Assistant Riverdale Nursery School and Family Center

"It sounds crazy, but I've actually learned a lot from the "Terrific Toddlers" series that Magination Press has been putting out this year. Each book is as instructive to small children as they are to adults..."
—Elizabeth Bird, A Fuse #8 Production, Holiday Gift Guide

“The kids really love the books. They’re the first ones off the shelves.”